Saturday, September 11, 2010


Tell me you can watch this and still have no interest in trying it...

The more I look into this, the more eager I am to get my hands on it, synthetically of course.
It's pretty cool how it can cure heroin addicts, I hate the fact because it's labelled in the drug category people are so "ooh ahh no" about it... It's completely harmless, less harmless than weed, lasts five minutes, offers a life changing perspective... I mean, come on! This has got to be better than sky-diving, than anything that can be physically conceived!
The best part is, when it comes to DMT, everyones done it, you're all dreamers, you're all druggos...
So don't try out-persuade me "oooh but it's not natural, it's synthetic!" - Crawl back into your shell, I'm keen to live.

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