Monday, January 24, 2011

Hollow Structure Lyrics.

Today I'm recording vocals for Centuries with Dan from Confession. Should be good, cept ive got fucking hayfever so a tad clogged and coughy.

Oh baby come up to the rooftop!
Now look over the edge...
notice the view isn't what we hoped it would be?
A gleaming city filled with hollow buildings.
You can knock... but no one will ever open up the door.
There's nothing but fake smiles framed on walls.

(From the walls, from the walls, from deep within these walls...
All the blood, oh the blood, it leaks onto my floors.
Please open up the door!
I need to see who's blood's puddled on my floor. )

We won't make another step, we've tripped down all the stairs we ever climbed,
there's no going back,
up to the roof to look out over the edge
and wonder if we could fly straight down through the cement
Into a brighter world.
A world with depth.
Deeper than your lips will ever get.
Lies can only get you so deep until you hit the golden truth.
We're not meant to be.
So I will have to set you free.
I loved you enough to set you free, can't you do the same for me?
How am I supposed to think?
Oh the guilt drives me insane.
How am I supposed to dream?
I dream of you and wake to scream.
How am I supposed to fly?
When you're anchored to my core.
How was I supposed to breathe?
When I found you hanging by the door.

Reckon anyone could give me their interpretation of them?
It'll probably make more sense with the music- and even better sense with a film clip like the idea in my head haha


jaxon & ash said...

ditch the shit band.

master garrigan said...

someone wallowing in self pity, wondering of all the pains, that are less painful than theirs

master garrigan said...

someone wallowing in self pity, wondering of all the pains, that are less painful than theirs

Xander said...

Cheers for that guys ^^^